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Friday, April 1, 2011

Home birth Kills Babies???

We have some interesting news this afternoon at the Mama Tao.

It turns out the CDC has released this chart?

What it appears to be saying is that Home birth is more dangerous than a hospital birth--and we believe that!

And guess what Else!! We are all fans of Dr. Amy!!

WE Love Zdoggmd and think that vaccines were the greatest invention EVER!


APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!       Hahahahahhahahhaha! Suckers!!


  1. Oh MamaTao!! Once again, I am in awe of you!! Howe you got the CDC to falsify those stats just for your April Fools joke I'll never know!! I guess that is just the power and the wisdom of the Mama!!

  2. Well we all know how much they love their MONEY!!

  3. Oh phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !! For a minute there I thought that chart was real !!!!!!!

  4. I nearly passed out reading this !!

    Ha hahahahahaha !!!

    (mutter mutter)

  5. I don't think April Fools Jokes are very natural or very feminist.

  6. I don't get it ?

  7. For a mintue there I though my suspitions that this was a parpdy site were true. But no, you are as mad as you seem after all.

  8. Furry Squirrel MommaApril 1, 2011 at 12:28 PM

    Mama Tao you had me so scared for a second there. I couldn't ever believe you were really on the dark side, no matter how good the cookies are.

  9. I almost choke on my home made granola......thanks god its an april fool's!!
    Orgasmic mama.

  10. I don't want to be judgmental, but some things really aren't funny. Even on April Fool's Day. Just sayin'.

  11. I'm sorry Scanta Mona! I didn't mean to scare you by using Dr. Amy's name!

  12. The Dr. Amy part was the biggest tell. She HATES women and babies. That's when I knew for certain this post HAD to be an April Fool's joke.

  13. Did you know that "Dr." doesn't even practice medicine anymore??? I think that just proves that my DEM knows more than she does, and has DEFINITELY seen more normal births!
